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Article sections

    Also available in:
    Español (Spanish)

    *This feature is available for Ninja and Branding Pack subscribers.

    This feature lets you sharing your own templates with other businesses on Quoters. To use it, you and template importer must Ninja or Branding Pack subscribers.

    How to share a template

    1. On your template selection screen, click the Share button on your template card.
    2. Enable the Share this template option.
    3. You will get a template code to share with your partner. You can email it or copy and share it using the way you prefer.

    Importing a template

    It’s pretty easy and straightforward adding any template shared with you to your business:

    1. Start creating a new proposal.
    2. Click the Import templates option in the Imported templates section.
    3. Paste the import code.

    You can start using this imported template for your proposals. Easy. As Quoters.

    in Proposal control and content re-use features